首页 - 生活 > 九上英语课课练答案(苏教版九年级下册英语课课练答案)


发布于:2023-11-30 17:34:01 来源:互联网

A. They live in a big city. B. They live in a small town.

C. They live in a small village.

? ?17. Where is his home?

A. Near a building. B. Far from the hospital. C. Near the hospital.

? ?18. How does he go to the hospital?

A. By bicycle. B. On foot. C. By bus.

? ?19. How old is Mr Green"s daughter?

A. She is 30. B. She is 12. C. She is 20.

? ?20. How far is his home from the hospital?

A. 100 metres from his home. B. 300 metres from his home.

C. 200 metres from his home.

