首页 - 生活 > 翰墨国韵大国崛起重点推荐艺术名家——王兆明


发布于:2021-02-24 09:41:00 来源:综合





国家一级书法师,现任中华诗词学会理事、全球汉诗总会副会长、北京风雅诗社社长、中国民间文艺家协会会员、中国书画家联谊会会员、全国老干部健康指导委员会委员、中国教育电视台《水墨丹青》栏目、《名家讲堂》栏目签约艺术家、北京京华阁书画院副院长。王兆明自幼酷爱书法,1985年毕业于无锡书法艺专。曾先后受教于辛济仁、权希军、欧阳中石、何玉璋等著名书家,书法作品曾多次在国内书展和比赛中获奖。尤其偏爱写“福寿”二字,人称“京北福寿王”为了写好福寿两字,坚持在墙上用水写壁四十年。2016年福寿两字随长征七号火箭遨游太空,人称 “天宫赐福” “寿与天齐”。



2020 年正当防控新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情关键之时,书法家王兆明老师捐赠给北京市昌平区卫生健康委员会:“福”字 200 张。


Artist Wang Zhaoming

Art resume:

Wang Zhaoming (poet calligrapher) No. Li Yuan Moke, born in Changping, Beijing, in September 1949.

He is currently a director of the Chinese Poetry Society, vice president of the Global Chinese Poetry Association, president of the Beijing Fengya Poetry Society, a member of the Chinese Folk artists Association, a member of the Chinese Association of calligraphy and painters, a member of the National Health steering Committee of veteran cadres, a signed artist in the "Ink Danqing" column of the China Education Television Station, and a deputy president of the Beijing Jinghuaku calligraphy and painting Academy. Wang Zhaoming loved calligraphy since he was a child and graduated from Wuxi calligraphy Art College in 1985. He has been taught by Xin Jiren, Quan Xijun, Ouyang Zhongshi, he Yuzhang and other famous bookmasters. Calligraphy works have won awards in domestic book fairs and competitions many times. In particular, I prefer to write the word "Fushou". It is known as "King Fushou of Beijing and Northern China" in order to write the word Fushou well, he insisted on writing the wall with water for 40 years. The word Fushou traveled into space with the long March 7 rocket in 2016, known as the blessing of the Palace of Heaven and the unity of life and heaven.

His calligraphy works have been published in dozens of newspapers and magazines in China, and have been collected by friends from more than 40 countries. In 2000, he was appraised as the number one of the second family reading collection in Beijing.

In 2007, he was elected to the top ten news figures in the suburbs of Beijing in 2006, and was named the third "Top Ten Book families" in Beijing in 2013.

At a time when the prevention and control of COVID-19 's epidemic situation was critical in 2020, Mr. Wang Zhaoming, a calligrapher, donated 200 copies of the word "Fu" to the Changping District Health Committee of Beijing.

Appreciation of works:

《福寿》 136.x68cm 庚子年

《寿》 70x68cm 庚子年

《福》 42直径 已亥年

《福》 42直径 已亥年

《福》 42直径 已亥年

《福寿》 60x22cm 已亥年

王兆明老师学识渊博,在书法领域,博学众长,广采博纳,潜心钻研,不断创新,自成一体。他的作品于朴实简约中见秀美、于端庄稳重中显功力,气度不凡,雅俗共赏,受到世界各地收藏爱好者的青睐。多年来王兆明凭借着对艺术坚持不懈的精神、真诚的品质和卓越的技艺取得了非凡的成就,赢得了社会各界的一致好评与赞赏,在当代书法界占有一席重要地位。据悉,王兆明书写的 “福”字,近期随长征七号运载火箭登上了太空,被人们称之为“福气冲天”,如今“福”字已随返舱顺利回归。王兆明连笔40余载,最爱书写的就是“福”“寿”二字,可谓名声远扬,不少友人、书法爱好者慕名向他求字。不仅文化部门多次邀请他参加活动,现场挥毫表演;外交、教育等部门也多次邀请他参加对外交流、教育等活动。随着知名度越来越高,跨界来找他的人也随之增多。

Wang Zhaoming, a knowledgeable teacher in the field of calligraphy, erudite numerous long, widely adopted Bona, painstaking study, continuous innovation, self. His works in simple and simple to see the beautiful, dignified and steady in the show of skills, extraordinary, refined and popular appreciation, by collectors around the world. Over the years, Wang Zhaoming has made extraordinary achievements by virtue of his persistent spirit, sincere quality and excellent skills. He has won praise and appreciation from all walks of life and occupies an important position in contemporary calligraphic circles. It is reported that Wang Zhaoming wrote the word "blessing," recently with the Long March 7 carrier rocket boarded space, was called "blessing sky," now "blessing" with the return of the word smooth return. Wang Zhaoming has been writing continuously for more than 40 years. His favorite writing style is "Fu" and "Shou." His reputation has spread far and wide. Many friends and calligraphy lovers have come to him for words. Not only cultural departments invited him to participate in activities, live performance; Foreign affairs and education departments also invited him to participate in foreign exchanges and educational activities. As the popularity grew, so did the number of people crossing over to find him.

《佛》 136x68cm 庚子年

《紫气东来》 68x45cm 已亥年

《静思》 60x22cm 已亥年

《雅趣》 60x22cm 已亥年

王兆明老师自幼酷爱文学与艺术,每读到好的诗词就会非常感动,年少便与书法和诗词结缘。他尤其对书法这门艺术更是情有独钟,为此付出了大量的时间和精力。他聪慧敏捷、勤奋好学,不舍昼夜,废寝忘食,从笔法、笔力、笔势、笔意,到“形、“神”、“气”、“韵”等 都用心揣摩,领悟书法艺术之真谛,青年时期便已崭露头角。



Teacher Wang Zhaoming has loved literature and art since he was a child. Every time he read a good poem he would be very moved. He became attached to calligraphy and poetry when he was young. He is especially fond of the art of calligraphy, for which he has devoted a lot of time and energy. He is intelligent and agile, diligent and studious, day and night, forsaking sleep and food, from the style, strength, style and intention of writing, To "form," "god," and "gas," rhyme "and so on are trying to figure out, understand the true meaning of calligraphy art, youth has emerged.

After years of painstaking training, Wang Zhaoming pen plowing more than, trying to learn from the traditional classics, Bocai long, calligraphy has a deeper attainments. Wang Zhaoming believes that it is not enough to improve skills, but also well-read, knowledgeable, with profound literacy, improve the connotation of the works. "Only when reading books break ten thousand volumes, can the pen have God." From then on, Wang Zhaoming fell in love with reading, which became the foundation and inspiration for his continuous innovation.

On the basis of his thorough study, he has developed a unique style of running script for decades. With its majestic, vigorous and vigorous, extraordinary style of writing stand out, won the public praise, become China's influential artists!

《物華天寳》 70x70cm 戊戌年

《心静夢舒》 70x70cm 已亥年

王兆明对书法的热爱是骨子里的,所以几十年来,无论是身处困境还是顺境,他对书法的揣摩与研究从未间断。四十年过去了,王兆明虽然在书法艺术领域成就斐然,但他始终保持高风亮节,不忘初心。王兆明为人豁达,待人热情,性格沉稳,儒雅厚道,朴实仁义,淡泊名利、平易近人、做事认真细致周全。俗话说“字如其人” 王兆明的品格正如他的书风,清新爽朗,沁人心脾,真诚质朴,一丝不苟。


平日里王兆明为百姓邻里和各地慕名前来的群众写春联,祝语,牌匾等,他都一视同仁 热情耐心地为人民服务,受到各界人士的广泛好评。王兆明对求画者,不论身份地位高低,有求必应,全心全意,认真创作,从不敷衍应付。对此,王兆明表示:“书法家只有写得一手好字 才配称之为家,只有为大众做好书 才能称之为大家!为祖国的同胞做自己能力范围内的事情,我义不容辞!”

Wang Zhaoming's love for calligraphy is in his bones, so for decades, no matter in difficulties or good times, he has never stopped to study calligraphy. Forty years have passed, although Wang Zhaoming has made great achievements in the field of calligraphy art, he has always maintained his high integrity and never forgotten his original intention. Wang Zhaoming is open-minded, warm to others, calm character, elegant and kind, simple benevolence, indifferent fame and fortune, approachable, work carefully and carefully. As the saying goes, "word like its people" Wang Zhaoming's character is like his book style, fresh and refreshing, sincere and simple, meticulous.

Wang Zhaoming is devoted to the art of calligraphy all the year round, but he never pursues fame and profit. He is a model of character, calligraphy and arts.

On weekdays, Wang Zhaoming wrote couplets, greetings and plaques for the people in his neighborhood and around the world. He served the people with equal enthusiasm and patience and was widely praised by people from all walks of life.Wang Zhaoming, regardless of status and status, is responsive to every request, whole-heartedly and conscientiously, never perfunctory. In response, Wang Zhaoming said: “A calligrapher can only be called a home if he can write a good word. Only when he does good books for the public can he be called everyone! It is my duty to do things within the scope of my ability for my countrymen. ”

惠風和暢 50cmx50cm 已亥年创作

樂天知命 100cmx50cm 戊戌年创作

静思博覧 136cmx68cm 已亥年创作

《福禄禛祥》 136x68cm 丁酉年


王兆明老师是一位愿意把一生的光阴和精力注入笔端的正能量书法家、诗人。他用勤奋与灵感以及全部的情感书写佳作。 王兆明的成功,离不开他的勤奋耕耘,开拓创新、潜心钻研、不断突破挑战自我的精神;更离不开他真诚质朴,谦和低调的处世态度。


Wang Zhaoming says: “I hope to spread calligraphy and poetry in my lifetime. Let art into thousands of households, truly achieve cultural confidence, cultural prosperity. Because calligraphy is a treasure of the Chinese nation and an outstanding representative of traditional Chinese culture, I have the responsibility and obligation to let more people know about art.”

Wang Zhaoming is a poet and calligrapher who is willing to put his life time and energy into his pen. He wrote good works with diligence and inspiration and with all his emotions. Wang Zhaoming's success can not be separated from his diligent work, pioneering and innovative, dedicated research, continuous breakthrough and challenge the spirit of self; More inseparable from his sincere simple, modest and low-key attitude.

He is honest, persistent art, in the industry and the community have a good reputation. Wish him in the future on the road of art more outstanding, more brilliant achievements, go higher and further!



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