首页 - 生活 > 温州设计师夏克进斩获“中国新设计师论坛博览会”金奖


发布于:2019-12-16 15:21:00 来源:综合



Recently, on November 24, 2019, the first "China new designer forum Expo" was held in xiong'an new area, Rongcheng fashion industrial park of Beijing Institute of fashion successfully held and awarded awards. Xia Kejin, founder and design director of Wenzhou muhou Space Design Co., Ltd., won the gold medal of the first "China new designer forum Expo". At the same time, Fang Yuan, another founder of current design, also won the silver medal of this competition.


(Xia Kejin, designer)


t is understood that the Grand Prix is composed of design experts, calligraphers, painters, entrepreneurs and members of the news media. A total of 65 members of the jury selected the design projects. The awards presented include two awards, namely "people of the year of China new designer forum Expo" and "enterprise leaders of China new designer forum Expo". The first gold medal was won by Chongqing, ZhouLing, Foshan, Zuojun, Suzhou, Zhuwei, Chongqing, Tangchun, Xi'an, Li Xudong, Foshan, Yang Yuandong, etc.


中国建筑装饰学会室内设计分会温州专委会 副会长

温州建筑学会室内设计专委会 副会长

中国室内装饰协会陈设艺术专业委员会(ADCC) 会员

Xia Kejin's current social position:

Vice chairman of Wenzhou special committee of interior design branch of China Architectural decoration Society

Vice chairman of Interior Design Committee of Wenzhou Architecture Society

Member of ADCC, China Interior Decoration Association

夏克进获奖作品《 SIMPLE LIFE》

