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发布于:2018-12-03 10:47:00 来源:综合



20thNov. 2018, “Belt & Road Initiative” Brainstorming Symposium hosted by SinoGermanTrade.com was a complete success!

It was held at InterContinental Shanghai Hongqiao NECC, attended by VIPs as Dr. Christine Althauser – Consul General of Germany Shanghai, Mr. Olivier Zehnder – Consul General of Switzerland Shanghai, Mrs. Eva Boehmer, Head of Cultural Affairs - Austrian Consulate General Shanghai, Prof. Dr. Uli Schell – University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern, Mr. Yingdi Wang – M.D., Ambrosius China and Mrs. Angela Chang – M.D., Yardstick Enterprise, Taiwan.


Mr. Olivier Zehnder and Dr. Christine Althauser

左:瑞士驻上海总领事 | 右:德国驻上海总领事


This event was hosted by SinoGermanTrade.com Corp. Ltd., sponsored by Miebach (Shanghai) Supply Chain Management Consulting Co., Ltd., STEU-DAT Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH and Mrs. Erika Chen, Expert for Wine & Wine Culture. In order to understand the “Belt & Road Initiative” (BRI), Chinese and German speaking experts from the political, commercial, cultural and scientific fields to stand on different perspectives and discuss the challenges and business opportunities of the “Belt and Road Initiative”.


Isabel Wiedenroth, founder of SinoGermanTrade.com, stressed that “the world is going east and China is going west” is reshaping the new pattern of globalization and creating new trends in the world. In the past forty years, China's reform and development has mainly been developed towards Western countries, especially from the southeast to the United States. As the United States gradually reverses protectionism, this world pattern has brought new uncertainties. The development focus is from the southeast coast to the northwestern inland provinces, and even to the northwest of Eurasia, which is Europe. Connecting the east and west of Eurasia is the Silk Road in ancient times, this is also the collective term for Eastern and Western culture and trade. Today is the “Belt and Road”. China's "three specials" (extra-long history, extra-large scale, special rise) are easy to attract Europeans' critique and fear of China's rise. How should Chinese people use Western logic to clarify the way of China’s development? How should the Chinese speak the story of the “Belt and Road” properly and awaken the common memories of the Eurasian civilizations and create the prospect of common rejuvenation? “Belt & Road” is not only an initiative of industry and commerce, but also an initiative for more intensive cultural exchanges between the people in Asia and Europe!


Shareholders, SinoGermanTrade.com

Angela Chang, Prof. Dr. Uli Schell, Isabel Wiedenroth, Yingdi Wang


主题演讲人,德国汉学家与德国知名作家马可博士,今年新书“Die Renaissance der Seidenstrasse”(丝绸之路的复兴),从文化历史、地缘政治与经济政策角度对“一带一路”进行了深度剖析,具体分析为何德国政客对中国作为“一带一路”倡议的发起者拥有质疑的态度、为何德国人对中国的崛起感到恐惧。同时呼唤中德企业家,以互补双赢方式携手合作、共同开发一带一路沿线国家的新兴市场。

Keynote speaker, German sinologist and China expert, Dr. Marcus Hernig, and his new book "Die Renaissance der Seidenstrasse" (Revival of the Silk Road), made an in-depth analysis of the “Belt & Road Initiative” from geopolitical, cultural historical and economic political perspective. He explained why German politicians have a questioning attitude towards China as the initiator of “Belt & Road”, and why Germans are afraid of China’s rising. He called on Chinese and German companies to work together in a complementary and win-win manner to develop emerging markets of the countries along the “Belt and Road”.


Dr. Marcus Hering 马可博士


Mr. Dominik Buehring, Managing Director of Miebach (Shanghai) Supply Chain Management Consulting, presented the challenges that cross-border supply chain management may face in implementing the BRI international project. Additionally, he said that since 2016, China has been Germany's most important trading partner. BRI is creating new transportation routes, nowadays goods can be transported from China to Europe via rail. The expansion of infrastructure and the development of international economy along the BRI route will also create new markets and new business opportunities for German project engineering services companies.


Dominik Buehring 多米尼克


Mrs. Vera Goebel, international tax law expert, explained the challenges and business opportunities faced by international companies involved in the BRI projects concerning international taxation. She emphasized that German company leaders should draw attention on the BRI. The German economic community has obtained information about BRI and should use the chance to participate in BRI projects in order to enter the developing markets along the “Belt and Road” in the early stages.


Vera Goebel 维拉 戈贝尔


The German theologian Dr. Michael Bauer believes that the ancient Silk Road was not only the exchange of commercial goods, but also the collision of thought and religion. Therefore, the “Belt and Road” has also a spiritual level, which involves the scope of religion and worldview, so it is necessary to develop the “Silk Road Theology”.


Dr. Michael Bauer 柏寒夕 博士


Finally, Professor Dr. Uli Schell and Dr. Marcus Hernig had actively interacted with the participants of the symposium, to explore the difficulties in implementing BRI projects and analyzing the reasons for Germans’ critical way of thinking. This forum has left a profound impact on the participants and that everyone can further understand the challenges and opportunities of BRI and contribute more consciously to the “Renaissance of the Silk Road”!


Prof. Dr. Uli Schell 乌里谢尔 博士教授





Above photos are made by Chinese artist Mr. Kang Ma

