首页 - 要闻 > 2021新时代书法名家——周明恭贺新春


发布于:2020-12-31 09:33:00 来源:综合




Zhou Ming, born in 1957 in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, was a master of calligraphy in Renmin University of China. At present, he is the director of Shanxi International Cultural Exchange Association, vice president of Shanxi Farmers' calligraphy and painting art association, vice president of Sanjin culture research calligraphy and painting academy, vice president of Wang Xizhi calligraphy and painting academy, special calligrapher and painter of Shenzhou calligraphy and Painting Academy of people's daily, state guest, special artist, image ambassador and member of Shanxi calligraphy and Painting Association. In more than 40 years of hard work in the inkstone sea, with the traditional classics as the teacher, diligent and painstaking practice, writing ceaselessly, formed a delicate and meaningful, vigorous and unrestrained personal style. Especially in big, medium and small regular script, Ouyang Zhongshi, Duan Chenggui, Jin Yunchang and other experts and scholars highly praised his attainments. In 2009, he won the top 100 award of the second international painting and Calligraphy Festival of China Yongle Palace and the Wenhua award of the Ministry of culture. In 2002, 2015, 2017 and 2019, he successfully held personal calligraphy exhibitions in Taiyuan, Shanxi Shuozhou and Yangquan. His works are not only well received by the society, but also permanently collected by many institutions at home and abroad.

书法作品展示:Calligraphy Exhibition


