首页 - 要闻 > 守文化之重创时代之新中华优秀传统文化艺术家——寇子皓


发布于:2020-10-26 11:09:00 来源:综合



,20世纪70年代初拜山水画家闫甫先生为师,学习传统山水画,对石涛、髡残、黄宾虹的技法研究颇深,远追元人山水笔意; 20世纪80年代初毕业于重庆建筑工程学院。无论是当知青、上大学,还是进机关、办企业,再忙都没有放松过对书法和山水画艺术的追求。寇子皓的作品入编《当代中国画名家全集—山水篇》《中国写生作品集》等典籍;刊登于《世界知识画报》《中 国收藏》《鉴藏》 《时代人物》《当代中 国画》《春城晚报》 等报刊; 2013年,作品《银杏村之秋》获得第13届纽约国际艺术博览会金奖;佳作《乌蒙烟云》被意大利国立阿尔贝蒂娜美术学院收藏;昆明电视台曾对其艺术成就进行专题采访。


Kou Zihao studied traditional landscape painting under Yan Fu, a landscape painter, in the early 1970s, and studied the techniques of Shitao, Kun can and Huang Binhong He graduated from Chongqing Institute of Civil Engineering in the early 1980s. No matter when the educated youth, go to university, or enter the office, run an enterprise, again busy have not relaxed to the calligraphy and landscape painting art pursue. Kou Zihao's works are included in the collection of landscape paintings by famous contemporary Chinese painters, collection of Chinese sketches, etc. Published in the World Knowledge Pictorial, China collection, Jianzang, people of the Times, contemporary Chinese painting, Chuncheng Evening News and other newspapers; in 2013, his work, autumn in Ginkgo village, won the Gold Award at the 13th New York International Art Fair; The masterpiece cloud in the dark is in the collection of the Albertina, Minas Gerais of Fine Arts in Italy; Kunming TV had a special interview with him on his artistic achievements. In his artistic creation, Kou Zihao insisted on "inheritance + innovation" , advocated that the state of mind dominates the painting environment and emphasized the positive atmosphere. In his creative exploration, he achieved correspondence with life, in tune with the times and resonated with nature. While inheriting the excellent cultural tradition, it also combines the connotation of Chinese culture with modern ideas, emphasizing culture, personality and spirit, and its vast scale of mountains and rivers, taking the right, the big, the true, the strong and the mighty, the work shows a new positive atmosphere.



