首页 - 关注 > 《国际视野·艺术收藏》中国特别推荐艺术大家—慈向群


发布于:2022-11-24 11:51:00 来源:综合



History is like a tide, the road is like a whetstone. Standing at a new historical starting point, looking back, the brilliant course of struggle and profound historical experience give us historical confidence; Looking far into the future, the clear coordinates of our struggle and the great dream of national rejuvenation inspire us to forge ahead. Artists meet the great age, heart is national rejuvenation, breeze energetic endeavor, north chan yi, to create a large number of "has bones and muscles, moral and temperature of the work.

慈向群,男,著名画家、设计家、国家一级美术师。1959年出生于美术世家,1984年毕业于清华大学美术学院(原中央工艺美术学院),师从于张仃、李苦禅、吴冠中、姚庆章等著名艺术大家。现为中国美术家协会会员、中国楹联学会会员、中央电视台特聘艺术顾问、俄罗斯列宾美术学院客座教授、靳尚谊艺术工作室高级理事、中国500强企业艺术总监、中央美术学院、城市设计学院等美术学院兼职教授、中国书画收藏学会副会长、中国艺术名家研究院等书画院名誉院长,《世界文化名人辞海》委员会、中国国际艺术网、英格兰皇家艺术基金会、网易新闻等机构艺术顾问,荣获《中华人民共和国文化部第七届中国文化艺术政府奖-最佳创作奖》,荣获《世界文化名人成就奖》,CCTV中央广播电视台-2021中国艺术家春节联欢晚会特邀贵宾,荣获《国际领军人物奖》, CCTV中央广播电视台-建党百年全国优秀艺术名家颁奖盛典特邀贵宾,荣获《建党百年国际艺术焦点人物奖》,时代周刊《中国艺术名家功勋人物、跨国文化国家艺术形象代表人物-慈向群》专题报道,中央广播电视台《CCTV传承中国梦·心系中华情-时代艺术家慈向群》《CCTV焦点访谈艺术人物-慈向群》《CCTV鉴宝档案特别推荐艺术名家-慈向群》专题报道,央媒联盟《凝聚新文艺 共筑强国梦》专题报道,荣获《全国十佳杰出功勋艺术家奖》,新华社《携手冬奥,砥砺前行-特别推荐艺术家慈向群》专题报道,中央广播电视台《CCTV艺术传承人物-慈向群》专题报道,特邀参加中共中央宣传部举行“奋进新征程 建功新时代”大型主题采访活动,荣获《艺术功勋人物奖》,由中共中央宣传部、文化旅游部力荐慈向群当选《福布斯-中国十大华人名人榜》,当选《2022福布斯全球中华国粹书画宣传大使》,荣获中共中央宣传部、中国文联、收藏家组委会评定《中国艺术金笔奖》、《世界文化艺术终身成就奖》, CCTV中央广播电视台二十大专刊专题报道,荣获《全国优秀文化传承代表人物奖》,荣获文化旅游部、中国文联、中国文化艺术研究委员会《国家文艺泰斗丰碑奖》、《大国艺术巨匠》等荣誉。

Ci Xiangqun, male, famous painter, designer, national first-class artist. Born in 1959 in a family of artists, he graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University (the former Central Academy of Arts and Crafts) in 1984. He studied under the guidance of Zhang Ding, Li Kuchan, Wu Guanzhong, Yao Qingzhang and other famous artists. He is now a member of the Chinese Artists Association, a member of the Chinese Couplet Society, a special art consultant of CCTV, a visiting professor of the Russian Repin Academy of Fine Arts, a senior director of Jin Shangyi Art Studio, an art director of China's Top 500 enterprises, a part-time professor of fine arts colleges such as the Central Academy of Fine Arts and Urban Design, a vice president of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Collection Society, and a Chinese art Master Research Institute Honorary President of the Academy, artistic consultant of the Committee of World Cultural Celebrities Dictionary, China International Art Network, the Royal Foundation for the Arts of England, NetEase News and other organizations, won the Seventh Chinese Culture and Art Government Award - the Best Creation Award of the Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China, won the World Cultural Celebrity Achievement Award. The Special guest of CCTV -2021 Chinese Artists Spring Festival Gala won the "International Leading Figure Award", the Special Guest of CCTV - Centennial National Outstanding Artists Award Ceremony, won the "Centennial International Art Focus Award", Special report of Time Magazine, "Chinese Art Masters and Heroes, Representative Figure of National Art Image with Transnational Culture - Ci Xiangqun", special report of CCTV, "CCTV Inherits the Chinese Dream · Heart of Chinese Emotion - Contemporary artist Ci Xiangqun", "CCTV Focus Interview with Art Figures - Ci Xiangqun", "CCTV Treasure Archive Special Recommendation of Art Masters - Ci Xiangqun", The special report "Gather New Arts and Art Together Build the Dream of a Powerful Country" by the Central Media Union, won the "National Top 10 Outstanding Artists of Merit Award", the special report "Join Hands with the Winter Olympics, Forge Ahead - Special Recommendation of the artist Ci Xiangqun" by Xinhua News Agency, the special report "CCTV Art Inheritant-Ci Xiangqun" by China Central Broadcasting and Television, She was specially invited to participate in the large-scale theme interview activity of "Striving for a New Journey and Making Contributions to a New Era" held by Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, and won the "Artistic Merit Award". Ci Xiangqun was recommended by Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism to be elected as "Forbes Top Ten Chinese Celebrities in China" and "Forbes Global Ambassador of Chinese Quintessential Painting and Calligraphy in 2022". He was awarded the "Chinese Art Golden Pen Award" and "World Culture and Art Lifetime Achievement Award" by Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, China Federation of Literature and Arts and Collectors' Organizing Committee, the special report of the Top 20 special issues of CCTV, and the "National Outstanding Cultural Heritage Representative Award". He was honored with the National Literature and Art Masters Monument Award and the Art Masters of a Great Country by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the China Federation of Literature and Arts and the China Culture and Art Research Committee.

慈向群创作的大幅肖像油画艺术作品《晨曦》被国家相关领导人收藏,部分艺术作品被中外机构和收藏家收藏。从事美术创作40余年,大批优秀艺术作品荣获国内外各项艺术大奖几十项,近百幅优秀艺术作品出版发表于《中国油画十大名家》《中国当代艺术十大名家》《中国画坛十大领军人物》《当代画坛巨匠》《全球华人艺术巨匠》《世界艺术通史》《世界艺术百科全书》《世界艺术家》《聚焦中国书画大家》《盛世中华·传世名家—慈向群作品精选》《艺术大师三人行-靳尚谊、赵无极、慈向群》《走进中国艺术大家—慈向群》《艺坛雅聚-范迪安、慈向群、靳尚谊》《中国艺术大师-书画名家8人集》《中国美术全集》《中国艺术鉴藏》《中国美术年刊》《世界文艺》《世界艺术家名人录》《世界美术家传》《世界名人录》《艺术资本-当代最具贡献书画家慈向群》《中国书画家报》《美中时报》《人民日报·袭古创今-慈向群专辑》《CCTV中央电视台官方精品年历:盛世中华·翰墨情-致敬中国当代艺术功勋人物-慈向群专辑》《人民日报社官方贺岁精品年历-创作无愧于时代的优秀作品-慈向群专辑》《中国书画走进500强企业—靳尚谊、慈向群、范曾、沈鹏》《名人词典》《美术里的中国》《中国权威收藏书籍·中国艺术品软黄金-中国大型拍卖行特别推荐当代艺术名家-慈向群》《世界和平文化功勋人物-靳尚谊、沈鹏、慈向群》《2022福布斯全球中华国粹书画宣传大使-慈向群精品画集(人民美术出版社、中国香港出版社出版多国语言全球220个国家地区发行100万册)》,《CCTV中央电视台:文化强国·艺术榜样-孙晓云、范迪安、慈向群》等数十种专业画集与影视和报刊,大批优秀艺术作品选为艺术名家作品和新时代书画领军人物《艺术巨匠 国家名片—走进国际书画名家慈向群》《国际巨匠艺术名家-慈向群》《国之巨匠泰斗艺术名家-慈向群》在中央电视台、人民日报、中华卫视、中国新闻中心、新华社、时代周刊、中华网、人民美术、中华英才、中国文化报道、国际在线、中国拍卖网、雅昌网、文旅中国、央视在线、艺术中国、国际新闻网、新华在线、环球新闻、中国收藏盛典官网、中国文艺新闻、今日头条、朝闻天下、热搜文化、网易、搜狐、腾讯、百度、盛世典藏、迪拜国际官方拍卖平台、国家文化软实力传播平台、国际文化交流中心、中国文化咨询网、CCTV华夏之声、全国大型国际机场、北京地铁等数十家全国和对外权威新闻网络媒体报道展播。他被授予数十项艺术成就荣誉称号,他创作的大量优秀艺术作品不同凡响蕴含着丰富的想象力和创造力,卓尔不群独树一帜,在继承民族艺术精髓的同时勇于创新和超越,依据独自的内在想象创造艺术形式,再生自己的艺术语境,追求作品独特的艺术性和原创性。

He has been engaged in art creation for more than 40 years, and a large number of excellent art works have won dozens of domestic and international art awards. Nearly 100 excellent works of art have been published in the "Top Ten Chinese Oil painting Masters", "Top Ten Chinese Contemporary Art Leaders", "Contemporary painting masters", "Global Chinese art masters", "World Art History", "World Art Encyclopedia", "World artists", "Focus on Chinese painting and calligraphy everyone", "Prosperous China · Handed down famous works - Ci Xiangqun Selection" "Three artists - Jin Shangyi, Zhao Wuji, Ci Xiangqun", "into the Chinese art - Ci Xiangqun", "Art circle - Fan Di 'an, Ci Xiangqun, Jin Shangyi", "Chinese art masters - painting and calligraphy of 8 people", "the Complete collection of Chinese art", "Chinese art Yearbook", "World literature and art", "World artists biography", "the world Who's Who, Art Capital - The Most Contributing Contemporary Calligrapher and Painter Ci Xiangqun, Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Journal, China Times, People's Daily · Inherits the Past and Creates the Present - Ci Xiangqun Album, CCTV CCTV Official Calendar: Flourishing Chinese · Hanmo - Tribute to Chinese contemporary art figures - Ci Xiangqun album "People's Daily official New Year boutique calendar - create worthy of The Times of excellent works - Ci Xiangqun album" "Chinese calligraphy and painting into the top 500 enterprises - Jin Shangyi, Ci Xiangqun, Fan Zeng, Shen Peng" "Celebrity dictionary" "Art in China" "Chinese authoritative collection of books, Chinese art soft Gold - China's large auction house specially recommended contemporary art masters - Ci Xiangqun ", "World Peace and Cultural Meritos-Jin Shangyi, Shen Peng, Ci Xiangqun", "2022 Forbes Global Ambassador for the Promotion of Chinese quintessence of Calligraphy and Painting - Ci Xiangqun Collection of Fine Paintings (People's Fine Arts Publishing House, China's Hong Kong Publishing House published in multiple languages and one million copies in 220 countries and regions around the world)", CCTV Central Television: Cultural power · Artistic role model - Sun Xiaoyun, Fan Di 'an, Ci Xiangqun and other dozens of professional painting collections, films and newspapers, A large number of excellent works of art were selected as works of famous artists and leading figures of new era calligraphy and painting "Art Masters" National card - Into the international painting and calligraphy famous Cixiangqun "International master art master - Cixiangqun" "National master master art master - Cixiangqun" in CCTV, People's Daily, China TV, China News Center, Xinhua News Agency, Time weekly, China Net, People's fine arts, China Talent, China Culture Report, international online, China auction network, Artron.net, literature travel in China , CCTV Online, Art China, International News Network, Xinhua online, Global News, China Collection Ceremony official website, China Art News, Today's headlines, News of the world, hot search culture, ebay, Sohu, Tencent, Baidu, the Prosperity Collection, Dubai International official auction platform, national cultural soft power communication platform, international cultural exchange center, China Cultural Consulting network, CCTV China It was reported and broadcast by dozens of national and foreign authoritative news network media, such as Xia Zhi Zhi, national large international airport and Beijing subway. He has been awarded dozens of honorary titles of artistic achievements. A large number of excellent artistic works he has created contain rich imagination and creativity, which are outstanding and unique. While inheriting the essence of national art, he has the courage to innovate and surpass, creates artistic forms according to his own inner imagination, regenerates his own artistic context, and pursues unique artistry and originality of works.

意泌墨彩出心源 功在秩序塑印象——记著名画家慈向群绘画的极致追求目标是表达心源意象,所以写实是基础是手段,写意则是目标是境界!当代著名画家慈向群先生,就通谙中国画的意象表达,也通谙油画的印象表达,成为用色彩交融完成心源诉意的大手笔。观赏他的绘画作品,会有一种源于心田的磅礴,不断震撼于视觉,塑造着史诗般的印象张力,心源意象与客观世界的印象不断碰撞,非凡融合,让他的绘画拥有了独树一帜,唯我可赋的价值段位!从哲学的角度理解宇宙,就是空与色存在与思考。哲学家所解析的空与色,可能是平常人感觉里的深奥与涩难。但是画家慈向群的哲学感觉非常敏锐,又拥有用色彩诠释哲学内涵的绘画技能,所以他的画作可以成为直观哲学的物象典范,令大众在物象审美的过程中,对深奥的哲学经义产生真观可得的深入浅出。

Meaning ink color heart source work in order plastic impression-- The famous painter Ci XiangqunThe ultimate goal of painting is to express the image of the source of the heart, so realism is the basis is the means, freehand is the goal is the realm! Mr. Cixiangqun, a famous contemporary painter, is well versed in the image expression of Chinese painting and the impression expression of oil painting. He has become a grand masterpiece of expressing the heart source and meaning with color blending. Viewing his paintings, there will be a majestic from the heart, constantly shocked by the vision, shaping the epic impression tension, the heart image and the impression of the objective world constantly collision, extraordinary integration, so that his paintings have a unique, only I can give the value of the section!To understand the universe from a philosophical point of view is to exist and think of space and color. The space and color that philosophers interpret may be profound and astringent in the minds of ordinary people. However, the painter Ci Xiangqun has a keen sense of philosophy, and he has the painting skills to interpret the connotation of philosophy with colors. Therefore, his paintings can become the models of visual philosophy, and make the public understand the profound philosophy in the process of aesthetic appreciation of physical images.


What is the mystery of the universe, what is the law of the void, what is the atmosphere of eternity and change. Spiritual guidance is unimaginable and hard to come by. However, after seeing Ci Xiangqun's image ink painting creation or impression oil painting creation, the cosmology and values at the philosophical level can be directly absorbed into the heart and complete the free release of bodhi enlightenment! He will play the combination of colors to the heart hand double smooth degree, skilled techniques have reached the degree of disappearance, let a person feel that his color scheduling, not techniques to make it, but psychological. Therefore, when you look at these ink and color blends from the heart, you will feel the existence of the spirit, and the illusion will become the illusion and the touching experience of the heart! The existence of all objects and images is painted into impermanent obscurity by him with ink and oil color. The reality faintly visible in the picture is covered in the virtual image of changing colors. The reality merges into the reality and the reality relates to the emptiness.




著名艺术评论家 杨振明 2019年7月1日

If painting is only the reproduction of objective objects, then painting is not equal to the function of a camera, real painting is the result of the painter's hard work, will not be a wonderful creation. However, in the process of pursuing non-realistic images, many painters are prone to fall into the other extreme of the loss of form and the disorder of . They do not take into account the natural law of color blending and blindly paint. This extremely disordered color painting, even if it is the true expression of the artist's heart, will eventually produce a huge communication gap with the public aesthetic psychology. Therefore, out-of-order color representation will make the creation excessive and arbitrary, resulting in a lot of color waste that the public can not understand.Mr. Ci Xiangqun's impression works attach great importance to the orderly demand of the public aesthetic for the form and color, and the arbitrary expression of ink and oil colors not only comes from his own spiritual source, but also pays more attention to the collection of the public's mental experience of objects and images, and excavates the common order of the public's impression aesthetic, which is very controlling when the ink and color are displayed. As for the tendency of color blending in the process of freewill spread, there are quite rational structure principles, source psychology, natural, image, without loss of order, which makes his works have the free expression of impression, but also latent rational controllable narrative rules, so his paintings are still the category of popular art, not self-painting without color order aesthetic loss!Meaning ink color heart source, work in order plastic impression. From this point of view, he is an all-round master of traditional painting skills and techniques, as well as an extraordinary creator of artistic conception in the painting era. He works hard in the painting circle with his extraordinary artistic imagination, and creates his own artistic context order on the artistic marginal line between pine painting and real painting, creating a new pilgrimage target for the public aesthetic appreciation. These colorful images of the universe, the achievement of the soul flying desire to cross! Everyone pen and ink, always the sound of mind impression ensemble!Famous art critic Yang Zhenming, July 1, 2019



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