首页 - 关注 > 聚焦中国艺术家形象大使——葛凤兰


发布于:2020-09-23 16:09:00 来源:人民日报欧洲网






Ge Fenglan, female, Han nationality, born in 1944, Dingbian County, Shaanxi Province. Member of China Financial Artists Association, Member of Shaanxi Artists Association, Member of Xi'an Artists Association, Research Fellow of Shaanxi Charity Association, Research Fellow of Shaanxi Sanqin Academy of Calligraphy and painting, Honorary President of Chongyang Painting Association of Chang'An. From 2004 to 2005, he studied in Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts, majoring in flower and bird, figure painting. Works "spring" , "Chang 'an Chunxiao" , "out of the mud and not dye" , "times of crisis" and other selected provincial and municipal art exhibitions, and won awards or collection. His works have been published in China Construction Bank newspaper, Xi'an Evening News, Chinese Painting and Calligraphy newspaper, Shaanxi Sanqin Painting and Calligraphy newspaper, etc. . In 2001, he published Ge Fenglan's paintings, in 2006, he published Ge Fenglan's flower and bird art, in 2008, he published 24 pictures of filial piety, and in 2010, he held an exhibition of Ge Fenglan's traditional Chinese paintings in Liang Bao Lou, Xi'an. Over the years, Ge feng-lan has devoted herself to the research and exploration of Chinese flower-and-bird painting, inheriting the tradition and taking innovation as her duty, pushing the Chinese flower-and-bird painting to a higher level.

