首页 - 关注 > 彭成梁——中国传统文化“环球行”之书画


发布于:2018-07-11 11:39:00 来源:综合


1940年生,贵州织金人,贵州大学中文系毕业;曾在原文化部中影公司、电影局、原广播电影电视部(国家广电总局)总编室任职;曾聘全国电影审查委员会委员,中国优秀影片(华表)奖、电视剧“飞天奖”、中国广播剧奖、广播文艺奖、全国电影剧本征集奖、影评征文奖等评委;曾为中国电影代表团成员,出席过香港国际电影节、加拿大蒙特利尔世界电影节;有影评、美评、诗歌、散文、电影剧本等文艺作品发表;2015年先后获中华人民共和国人力资源和社会保障部与文化部艺术人才中心高级技能(书法家)《职业资格证书》、中国职工和职业培训协会高级书画师《专业能力证书》。事迹入编《中华名人大典》、《世界名人录》、《中国书画家大辞典》、《人民功勋艺术家大辞典》等典籍。 系原国家广电总局机关老年文学协会会长、中国书画家联谊会、中国电影家协会、中国电视艺术家协会、中国电影评论学会会员,中国文化艺术发展联合会常务理事,中外名人文化研究会文化艺委会高级书画师、研究员,联合国和平书画院院士等。

Born in 1940, Guizhou weave Jin man, graduated from the Chinese Department of Guizhou University; once employed in the general editor's office of the former Ministry of culture, cinema, film and television (State Administration of radio and television); a member of the National Film Review Committee, the Chinese excellent film (Hua Biao) award, the teleplay "flying prize", the China Radio Drama Award, The judges of the radio literature and Art Award, the national film script collection award and the film review and writing award have been attended by the members of the Chinese Film Delegation, attended the Hongkong International Film Festival, the Montreal World Film Festival in Canada, and have published literary and artistic works such as film reviews, beauty Reviews, poems, essays, and film scripts. In 2015, he won People's Republic of China manpower. The Ministry of resources and social security and the senior skills of the art talent center of the Ministry of culture (calligraphers) "professional qualification certificate", Chinese staff and vocational training association senior calligraphers "professional ability certificate". The story was compiled into the classics of Chinese celebrities, the book of the world, the dictionary of Chinese Calligraphers and calligraphers, and the dictionary of people's merit artists. It is the former president of the former State Administration of radio and television, the association of Chinese calligraphers, Chinese calligraphers, Chinese film artists, China Television Artists Association, China Film Review society, the executive director of the China Federation of cultural and art development, and the senior calligraphers and researchers of the Chinese and foreign cultural and Arts Commission. The academician of the Painting Academy of the national peace book.

曾在纪念毛泽东、周恩来、邓小平、孙中山等活动、纪念欧阳询诞生1450周年、纪念草圣怀素诞辰1270周年、 首届‘太白杯’ 、“首届‘滕王阁杯”’等全国书画、诗书画、文学艺术大奖赛中获过奖;被授予“辛亥百年百杰书画家“、“百强德艺双馨艺术家“、 “德才兼备艺术家”、“当代实力派书画百家”、“全国百位优秀人民书画家”、“当代最具影响力70位人民书画家”、“中国“五老”公益工程慈善大使、联合国和平公益书画大使等称号;有书法作品在新加坡、法国卢浮宫、东南亚、韩国、日本、联合国等地展出;书画作品见于《中国收藏(书画)》、《中国精品艺术》、《海内外中国书画艺术当代名家集》、《中国当代艺术大家》、《盛世大匠——中国当代书画名家作品赏析》、《中国最具影响力书画名家》、《法国卢浮宫中国书画名家邀请展精品集》、《大型线装书画珍藏卷》、《世界知识画报》、“中国企业报道”《艺术资本》《艺术资讯》、《人民美术报》“70年70家专刊”、《中国美术成就1911-2011百年书画名家(珍藏版)》、《中国美术成就1911—2011百年书画名家专辑纪念版》、《当代美术史.中国书法》、《中国美术成就1911-2011百年书画名家彭成梁专辑》、《大国艺术》、《古往今来》等近二十种书刊、杂志;多家媒体报道。

In commemoration of Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping, Sun Zhongshan and other activities, commemorating the birth of Ouyang Xun 1450th anniversary, commemorating the birth of sage 1270th anniversary, the first "Taibai Cup", "the first Pavilion of Prince Teng Cup", and other national paintings, poetry, calligraphy and painting, and literary and artistic awards, were awarded "hundred years of 1911" "Home", "a hundred strong virtues and two artists", "virtues and talents and artists", "contemporary strength of calligraphy and painting hundred", "100 outstanding people and calligraphers and calligraphers of the country", "the most influential people and calligraphers of the 70 people", "Chinese" five old "public welfare project charitable ambassadors", the United Nations peace and public welfare painting ambassador and other titles Calligraphy works are displayed in Singapore, Le Louvre Museum in France, Southeast Asia, South Korea, Japan, and the United Nations. The paintings are seen in "Chinese collection", "Chinese fine arts", "contemporary Chinese and overseas Chinese calligraphy and painting art collection", "Chinese contemporary art people", "great craftsman of the world" - China. The appreciation of the works of the famous calligraphy and painting, the most influential calligraphy and painting in China, the excellent collection of the invitational exhibition of the Chinese calligraphy and painting in the French Louvre Palace, the large line collection and calligraphy and painting collection, the world knowledge pictorial, the Chinese enterprise report, the art capital, the art information and the people's art newspaper, 70 years and 70 special schools "Magazine", "Chinese fine arts achievement 1911-2011 hundred years of calligraphy and painting famous edition", "Chinese art achievements 1911 to 201 thousand and 100 years of calligraphy and painting famous album," "contemporary art history, Chinese calligraphy", "Chinese art achievement 1911-2011 hundred years of calligraphy and painting Peng Chengliang album", "great power", "ancient and modern" and so on Nearly twenty books and magazines, and many media reports.








Book and painting review:

There is no fragrance. Elegant, dignified and rigorous, Mr. Peng Chengliang's calligraphy and painting permeated this fresh and noble atmosphere. This is a kind of conservation, and it is also a pursuit. It is also a realm. Home decoration, leisure and entertainment, Mr. Peng Chengliang's calligraphy and painting should be a very beautiful ornament in life.

{from "Chinese collection" (calligraphy and painting)}

In Chinese calligraphy, there are both quiet and beautiful people in the past. Miss Peng Chengliang's calligraphy emphasizes the calligraphy that still moves us. But that's the value of it. Its uniqueness is in this kind of intrepid flutter, this rate is not confined to this kind of rough crops, we can taste the courage and uprightness, smack the strong, taste the wind and fire, reflect the great simplicity of life and culture. However, this is only a patent for the inpidual of life culture, because it is worthy of admiration for the cultural accomplishment of the man Ben and the research stone and poetry and prose.

From the perspective of the creative value of the art master, Peng calligraphy is a typical representative of calligraphy, and calligraphy creation has been quite successful. That kind of pure and gentle artistic expression is like a gentleman's behavior man, no doubt it is very cordial. In a kind and gentle way, there is a kind of elegant and vulgar self.

Mr. Peng's calligraphy is traditional, but he is more elegant and skilled, handsome and handsome. As a matter of fact, sir is far better than the pavilion of Ming and Qing Dynasties. Nevertheless, it does not affect Mr. Peng's representative status as a representative of modern classicism. That kind of elegant cultural character -- the breath of books, there are few modern and contemporary calligraphy.

(from the August 2008 collection of contemporary Chinese calligraphy and Painting Masters)




Artistic point of view:

As for art, Peng Chengliang has his own views. He said that all kinds of art categories have their own characteristics and laws, but in general, they are based on the principle of "true, good, good and beautiful", all of which are for pleasure, aesthetic education, encouragement of the audience, and the service of the people and the society. No matter to film and TV literature and art or to poetry, photography and painting, we should adhere to the active artistic viewpoint, follow the combination of realism and romanticism, and ask themselves from the aspects of ideological, artistic and ornamental aspects. He thinks that art belongs to the people. No matter how the writing of the poems is written, it is necessary to "three close", with the views of the masses, to be able to understand, to be pleasing, to resonate and to gain. Therefore, in his own creation, not only the new and the beauty, but also the positive and healthy content of the thought, the pursuit of painting in the poetry, the pursuit of poetry in the painting, poetry and calligraphy should also pursue the rhythm and charm. He also said that literary and artistic works should not only entertain and beautify life, but also enrich and beautify the society.(excerpt from "Whampoa magazine" 2008 second issue of "famous appreciation" column)

中国字画真善美好 3尺整



毛泽东诗 占领南京





